Hello, and thank
you for visiting my site. Sit back and enjoy...well...nothing special, just my PSO Shrine that I have made in my free
time. In it, I basically show and tell some of my experiences with Phantasy Star Online. It is
a great game made by Sega(best company), and Yuji Naka. In Phantasy Star Online, you basically start
out as level 1 hunter, ranger, or force. You go through levels and aquire a large amount of experience points when fighting
enemies. The max level you can get is 200. It is a great experience, and possibly one of the most greatest MMORPGs.
It is highly addicting, and that is why I chose not to play it during school time. Other than that, I suggest anyone
with an Xbox, Gamecube, or even a Dreamcast to check Phantasy Star Online out.
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